Sunday, August 25, 2019

Life Lately, Cottage Updates

I think I've started and stopped this post about ten times over the past few weeks.  I just can't seem to get my act together when it comes to blogging.  We've had a lot going on - some good (like beach days and time with family and friends) and some not so good (like my dad's health.)  There's still about a week and a half left of summer vacation from school and at this point, it feels like we had a very long break.  Only having one snow day last year helped with that.

Whether or not the girls are willing to admit to it, they are ready for school to start.  They are excited to see their friends on a regular basis and get back to dancing more.  I think they are a little nervous about seventh grade and getting to know new teachers, but I'm sure they're going to be fine.  They're a lot like me in that they like to use their minds.  They are also fairly active kids, which is great, except that I have laundry that needs to get finished or meals to cook, so there's only so much running around I can do.
A couple of months ago, a new Hobby Lobby opened near us.  It's not exactly convenient to get to but it's not far enough to be completely out of the way.  Previously, the only other Hobby Lobby we had been into was in Michigan.  Even though the fabric area in this Hobby Lobby is small, they have a ton of great fabric.  I finally found fabric for curtains for the cottage bathroom.  We've had an old baby blanket hanging up for the past two years.  I know, I know.  I had some ideas in my head of what I wanted but I couldn't find anything close in Joann (the only fabric store around) and I was afraid to buy anything online without seeing/feeling it in person.  Now I just need to find the time to sew.

I've made a lot of progress with the small bedroom at the cottage.  (Although, that progress seems to have stalled.  We've been down here for five days in a row now and all I've managed to paint was a bureau.)


I finished painting the three walls with the wood paneling.  The wall with the windows will be painted white.  That's primer on it right now.  I'm not going to paint the doors.  Part of that is laziness because I would have to take down the doors to paint them.  I think leaving the doors as is adds to the whole cottage look.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it.


For curtains, I had a certain fabric in mind I thought I had seen at Hobby Lobby, but when I returned to Hobby Lobby, the stripes on the fabric were too small and it's not what I want.  I'm probably going to have to wait until the girls are back in school to continue my search as there is just too much going on right now.

I have a lot of Cape Cod type posts coming up as we have been out and about all week with family and friends.  I also have a ton of ideas for Disney Halloween sewing projects (for when school starts!)  Those will be ready to ship and I typically share them on my sewing IG account first.

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