Sunday, August 14, 2016

Life Lately


Anna had a check-up appointment with her neurosurgeon in Boston last week.  Rich and I both attended as we felt it was important enough for both of us to be there in case anything of importance was raised.  Because Anna hasn't had any issues, she was supposed to see the neurosurgeon every two years.  We thought we last had her in there three years ago.  It was on our radar last summer but with all the urology/kidney stuff going on, we postponed scheduling an appointment.  Well, it turns out the last time he saw her was in 2010.  Oooops.

Anna's at risk for a tethered cord so we discussed the symptoms and what to look for.  Rich and I were already aware of this but wanted to confirm it all with a real doctor and not doctor google.  A few months ago, Anna suddenly began complaining of pain in her leg and lower back.  She limped around for a week and then she was fine.  I didn't pull the alarm because it came on so suddenly and the girls had been riding bikes, playing in the driveway right before it happened.  Symptoms of a tethered cord are gradual and not sudden.  He examined her legs and commented that her calves were a little tight but not too bad.  That appears to be the only physical problem she has right now.  He does want her to have an updated baseline MRI for her shunt and chiari malformation.  Her most recent brain scan is from December 2008.  Yeah, we need to update that.  


The weather has been hot and humid for the most part so the girls have either been swimming or playing indoors.  As the sun is setting, we may hang out in the front riding bikes or playing basketball.


(They been racing each other across the pool and back, two at a time.  Emily's acting as the lifeguard with the "medical noodle.")


(Summer blonde.)

(Knee socks with shorts are a thing.)


1 comment:

Bree at Clarity Defined said...

Loving all of these photos and hoping the MRI goes well for Anna!