Thursday, January 9, 2014


I want to be a better photographer.  I keep a list in my head of technical items I wish I had more time to work on.  What I often seem to forget, and have to remind myself of, is that taking pictures of anything and everything will help me grow and stay fresh.  A little bit of something is better than a whole lot of nothing.  There's more to photography than technical perfection though. I want my photos to speak on their own and tell a story.  That's no simple task.

My camera traveled with me when I visited the girls' music classes.  Rich told me that I should have had a paparazzi sticker on my jacket.  I suppose the way I was slouched in my seat (to give the parents behind me a better view of their children) with camera in hand could have caused me to resemble the paparazzi.






Emily's open house happened to coincide with pajama day.


I used my 85mm lens for these.  The classrooms were filled with much loved light so my Speedlight was unnecessary.


Anonymous said...

I just love looking at their little faces, they are just beautiful!

I really love your blog - the time I spent going back through to the beginning and it made me so happy. There is something about seeing your little girls that just puts me in a better mood.

I hope that doesn't sound creepy! I'm a mom myself. I don't normally "gush" over blogs - in fact I think most are really annoying. Yours isn't phony and trying to make your life appear perfect like so many others. I appreciate that.

I think you are amazing - I remember what it was like to work full time with a little one (on my own) and never having enough time for any one thing. Now that he's a teen, I miss those younger years and wish I could go back and do it all over again with him.

I wish I lived closer - I would totally come by and help you get caught up on laundry and housework.

My sister is an accountant so I know first hand how busy she gets and how hard it is to take care of a family while working so much. And the fact that you try to add running in to take care of yourself is very inspiring.

Just wanted to comment because I find myself reading your blog so often and I rarely comment on what a good job you're doing - with the blog and your family.

Anonymous said...

I can't tell you how proud of myself I am that I can now tell your girls apart. It's only taken me about 3 years of looking at their pics but I can finally do it!!

And I can finally comment on your blog. For a long time I was unable to because of your settings.

Your children are beautiful and as a working mother I appreciate being able to read about another mother who feels frazzled a lot of the time. And I only have twins.

Kudos to you.

Esther said...

The girls are truly super cute and beautiful..and they look so much younger and smaller than the other kids! I find this precious...that's how my twins are, too. Just of my favorite photos of the girls.