Friday, December 30, 2011

Mommy Week

Rich has more holidays off from work than I do and a holiday for Rich is a holiday for Grammy. At some point during this past year, we dubbed these days "Daddy Days" because Rich usually incorporates a fun outing or two (such as a trip to the playground or lunch at Papa Gino's) into his day at home alone with the girls. (Rich really is a great dad.)

With the end of the year rapidly approaching and unused vacation days sitting in my bank ready to be swiped to zero with the new year, I took the opportunity to stay at home with the girls last week. Mommy Week. I had plans. Oh, how I had big plans. Not only was I going to spend time with the girls but I wanted to clean, organize, purge, you name it, the entire house.

So the first order of business on Day One was getting the girls to school. I showered and dressed before Rich left for work. I know what time the girls have to be dropped off and picked up from school but there are little quirks like the car line and if you leave the house by this time, you will be near the front of the car line and if you don't, then the car line is really long and when it is your turn to pull up in the car line, you pull up to this exact spot.



I am happy to report that I achieved car line success! (And let me tell you that I'll take car line stress over {insert something that can happen at work} any day.)



While the girls were at school, I put away about seven loads of their laundry that had piled up whilst I had been enjoying life (otherwise known as sewing and family parties). And I ran more laundry. There's always laundry here. Before I knew it, I had to leave my thoughts of additional cleaning, organizing and purging aside to pick the girls up from school.

After we ate lunch at the house, we drove over to pick up Grammy so that we could visit a sewing machine store. Grammy needed needles for her machine and I wanted to purchase an embroidery sewing machine. Well, Grammy found her needles but I left without an embroidery machine. They only had the higher end (i.e., very expensive ones) in stock and after a brief discussion with the women that worked there, it was agreed that they couldn't order the machine I wanted for a price as low as that being offered on Amazon.

The girls were going to be having "Pajama Day" at school on Wednesday and I foolishly asked them if they wanted to shop for new holiday jammies. I don't know what I was thinking because I know that finding three pairs of Christmas pajamas a week before Christmas is mission impossible but I had opened my big mouth. They actually needed more pajamas anyway which is one of the reasons I mentioned purchasing new ones. We had been experiencing a pajama shortage ever since I packed up the smaller ones that they had worn for two years.

So long story (maybe not so) short, we stopped at the (very large) outdoor mall on the way back to drop Grammy off. Without strollers. Allie and Em can barely walk that entire mall so there is no way that Anna can. It was fairly cold out and Grammy and I both ended up carrying kids around and, as expected, there were hardly any pajamas in stock. Finally, at the last store, Allie and Anna found pajamas. Em wanted fuzzy pajamas and once again, I opened my big mouth and suggested Target. Because we still had Christmas gifts to purchase too. But that was going to have to wait for another day.

We arrived home in time for me to feed the girls dinner. I was happy with Mommy Day One. I wasn't pulling my hair out. I wasn't counting down the minutes until Rich walked in the door. I was happy. Was it easy? No. But in the grand scheme of life, it wasn't all that difficult.

Would I have the same thoughts at the end of the week?


There is still another month or so before the votes are reset over at Top Baby Blogs. We are still sitting pretty at #2. Thank you!!

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TanyaMom23 said...

Oh my, you're 25 votes from #1... come on people!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jennifer said...

You're number one!!! You got it - at least momentarily!