Sunday, May 2, 2010

Uh, I signed up for this. And some photos..

It was summer-like here today. Ah, sweet summer. So after taking yesterday off from running, I needed to squeeze a run in today. Rich and I are signed up to run a 5K at the end of the month. The same 5K that we ran last May. With Rich pushing the girls in the triple jogger. We decided to run and time that route after the girls ate an early dinner today. I ran solo and Rich pushed the girls in the triple.

I love warm weather but after a long winter, I am not used to running in the heat and I had eaten lunch around 1:30. No breakfast. No snacks. The food intake wasn't the greatest. But off we went. I was trying to keep a 10 minute mile pace, which I was finding difficult. But then I thought of Rich pushing the girls and I didn't feel so bad. Around two miles, I wanted to quit so I tried to think of Rich running three steps behind me pushing the girls. I still wanted to quit. But I didn't. I'm not a quitter.

I did have to abruptly stop when we reached what I believe to be 3.1 miles. I was about to vomit. The stopwatch clocked us at just under 32 minutes. Okay, so our time was not that bad. I am still not getting my hopes up for a great time for this 5K.

I took a ton of pictures this weekend. We'll find out if my settings were correct when I upload them. In the meantime, I wanted to share these pictures of the girls playing with legos a few weeks ago when sweaters were necessary.

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Anonymous said...

Way to go keeping up your health and commitment! I'm sure you'll feel really proud once it is done.

Your girls are so beautiful. I really enjoy reading your blog. :)

susanne13 said...

OMG, i love the look kids get when they are playing so intensely!!! SO cute!