Thursday, June 11, 2009

Chocolate Maniacs

Rich was lucky enough to attend the Red Sox/Yankees game last night with his brother, Chris. When I arrived home from work, Grammy informed me that Anna had refused to take her dose of medicine with dinner. Anna currently takes two medications - one to (hopefully) prevent kidney infections and one to help her bladder. The medicine isn't bad tasting and she had been taking both without issue until a few months ago. Here and there, she acts like a true toddler and simply refuses to take her it.

I spent a half an hour with the syringe trying to squirt something into her mouth. I tried EVERYTHING. Grammy pretended to take some of the medicine. I pretended to take some of the medicine. Allie, Em, the doll, the duck - they all pretended to take some of the medicine. Anna refused.

I turned to my last option: chocolate. I cut a small chocolate bunny up into little pieces and gave Anna one piece. I told her that if she wanted more, she had to take her medicine. Well, do you know that she still refused to open her mouth. We finally mixed it with a little bit of chocolate milk in a small cup and she drank it. Back to the chocolate. I believe this was the first time that the girls have had chocolate in the form of candy. They LOVED it. Em was acting like a crazy baby. I was standing, holding the napkin with the chocolate pieces on it so she pat the floor next to her and said, "Momma, sit here."

After I told Allie that Em was a chocolate maniac, she walked over to her and said, "Em, you a aniac." Anna added, "Chocolate good."

Allie won the prize for messiest eater. That chocolate drool was just rolling right out of her mouth.

And to prove that we do feed the girls healthy foods, here are some pictures from tonight. The girls shared a peach with Grammy.






Helen said...

I'm glad Elmo got some peach too ;)

I'm jealous your husband got to go to a Red Sox/Yankee game at Fenway! I want to do that!

J said...

The last picture of Elmo "eating the peach" cracked me up. Big time. :D it was a cute little touch.

Love your posts, it's part of my "happiness time" now. haha, between studying, studying and more studying, reading a well-written blog wif cuties is just a major treat in my book.

thanks, and im still attempting to read all your posts. :D