Monday, March 9, 2009

To Do Lists

I always seem to keep mental "To Do" lists. Lists that always grow longer and longer it seems. (I can't imagine that I'm the only one who does this.) I also separate them into three categories: 1. Should be done now (even if I don't want to do it), 2. Not really what I want to do (or have time to do) but for a good cause so I'm not bothered and 3. Stuff I would like to do.

I started off this past weekend enthusiastic, believing that I would be able to cross off a bunch of items from my list. (Note that this is a partial list.)

1. Finish D&K's tax returns.
2. Clean the entire house. (Yeah, right!)
3. Change address with ____.
4. Call P&M and see if they need help with their tax returns.
5. Pull out our tax stuff and start organizing.
6. Work on Top Secret Project.

Then there are fun "to do's" such as picking out the girls' birthday/Easter dresses, taking pictures and learning Photoshop Elements.

I have had to let some items go though. I was planning to design the girls' birthday invitations. After 15 minutes of working (while the girls ate dinner), I shut down the laptop and told Rich that we would just have to send out email invites.

So what was accomplished this past weekend? I was able to cross off the first item on my list. I'm laughing now because number 2 is always on my list. And I changed my address with ___ online tonight after we tucked the girls into bed.

After a little bit of difficulty, I managed to purchase the girls' birthday/Easter dresses. The big debate was whether to have all three dress the same or not. I ended up buying them three different dresses. Allie's is yellow and very princess-like. She tried it on tonight and LOVED it. Anna's is pink and has a long tutu-like skirt. She refused to try it on. I think Em can be a bit of a tomboy so her dress isn't as puffy but it is very cute and Em-like.

Of course, spending time with the girls this weekend was a priority. We were able to go for a walk and play outside. (I'll have pictures up over the next few days.) The hard part is squeezing in housework, laundry, etc. I just never thought having three little ones would be this hectic.

Number one on my "want to do" list (besides seeing my little lovies) is sleeping in!!

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