Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Monthly Running Recap - July

I don't know how you do that.

This is what I say to Rich when he rolls out of bed at 6:00 in the morning and goes for a run.  I've tried to run in the morning and it feels more torturous than anything else.  I am not a morning person.  I am not a morning runner.  Even running at 9:00-10:00 is a bit of a struggle.

On the other hand, I can eat dinner, clean up the dishes, change clothes and go for an evening run, causing Rich to make the above statement to me.  In general, I feel more energized at night.  I'm much more productive in the afternoon and evening hours, more so than at any time in the morning.

We are all different types of runners.

In my June running recap, which I wrote in the middle of July, I discussed backing away from trying to constantly improve my time.  I'm a slower runner.  I've always been a slower runner and, let's be real, trying to transform myself into a 7 minute mile runner at the age of 45 is not going to happen.  As soon as I let go of that time obsession, I felt so much better and I actually saw my mileage increase.

This isn't to say that I've completely backed off from all speedwork.  I am doing some here and there, but not with the same intensity.  Before, speedwork left me so sore, I was only able to run 3 miles during a speedwork session and then I needed at least two days to reach the point where I wasn't incredibly sore.

I've been tracking my mileage (and some time) since the beginning of the year and I couldn't figure out why I wasn't see much improvement, especially with my mileage.  Now I know.  It's funny because I feel like whenever I try something different with running, I always end up going back to how I initially ran.  I've always said that I may not be fast, but I'm consistent and I used to be able to run longer distances.  Even now, all my runs are completely running.  Unless I'm doing intense speedwork, there is no walking.  I do walk to warm up and cool down, but you know what I mean.  When I record 4 miles, that's 4 miles of running without stopping to walk.  

 Okay, so July was an active month!

Total mileage for the month - 56.85 miles
Subtotal for the year - 301.85 miles

7/02 - 3.85 miles (time 41:03)
7/03 - 2 miles
7/05 - 3 miles
7/06 - 4 miles (time 42:47, includes stopping to chat with SIL and niece)
7/08 - 4 miles
7/10 - 3 miles
7/11 - Tap class
7/12 - 3 miles
7/14 - 4 miles (time 41:20)
7/16 - 4 miles
7/17 - 2 miles
7/18 - Tap class
7/20 - 3 miles
7/22 - 4 miles
7/24 - 4 miles
7/25 - Tap class followed by 4 miles
7/27 - 5 miles
7/28 - 3 mile walk (not included in running total)
7/29 - 17 mile bike ride
7/30 - 4 miles

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