Sunday, June 11, 2017

Bathroom pic and a seal story

I've been meaning to post this picture for three days now but it was Dance Recital Weekend and if you have kids in dance, you know how that goes.  Here's an updated photo of the bathroom remodel from last Wednesday.  I'll have to take another one more in the bathroom for a better comparison to the before photos.  The tile grout was fresh and I had already stepped in there enough to deal with the vanity and the light fixture so I didn't want to step in again for a photo.


I was all patting myself on the back because when the contractor called to give Rich an update, he commented on how good it all looked.  He said, "Your wife picked out all the colors, right?  It looks really good."  The paint color on the walls (when all is said and done) will be a pale gray.  It looked like they had painted one coat already.  There's a lot of knotty pine in the cottage and I had debated early on over whether or not to paint it white.  We had decided to leave it be, but I have to tell you that seeing how that wood looks painted white in the bathroom makes me want to paint all the other wood.  Rich and I discussed and we'll leave it natural for now (mostly in the interest of time) and if we still want to paint at summer's end, we can do so in the offseason.

I couldn't stay long because I needed to be back to pick the girls up from school.  After lunch at the beach, I headed home.

View from the van as I lunched.

Of course.  More chowder.

The seal population on Cape Cod has increased significantly in recent years, along with sharks.  You're most likely to see seals in Chatham and onward down to P-town.  A few weeks ago, I took a short walk on the beach down the street from the cottage and came across a dead seal.  It's midsection was ripped open and I assumed it had been attacked (but not eaten) by a shark and washed ashore.  As I was eating lunch in the beach parking lot on Wednesday, three guys in a landscaping truck were taking a break near me.  I heard one of them exclaim, "Seal!" and sure enough, there was a seal swimming in the water about 20 feet from shore.  I was surprised as I didn't think we were down far enough for seals, but it looks like I was wrong.  Now I will be looking for sharks too.

I hope to be back soon with dance photos.

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