Pink cinderella dress. You know. The one the stepsisters destroyed.
Our Disney vacation is rapidly approaching and my mental list of sewing projects remains almost completely unfinished. Fortunately, many of the outfits from our last trip two years ago still fit so all hope isn't lost. I thought that maybe the girls would insist upon shorts instead of skirts or dresses but when I polled them, they voted for skirts over shorts. Why? "Skirts are prettier." Who knew? I have a pattern for shorts that I may still try out.
If you are connected to any Disney sewing groups or forums, you already know that the Simply Sweet pattern is commonly used for princess inspired dresses as it's easy to manipulate. My one complaint with the pattern is the boxy, loose shape of the dress top when used as a sundress. In my opinion, with older girls, it just doesn't look appropriate. So I changed the pattern, elongating the back so I could add elastic casing. I'm making it sound so simple but there was some trial and error involved. This made the dress top a fitted top without the constriction of a zipper. I cropped a spinning photo in attempt to show the back. I was so done with the dress at this point, I couldn't even properly photograph it.

So why the hate? This silky fabric is a nightmare to work with. I can deal with the slippery feeling, that's not the issue. This fabric just does not hold it's shape. You can cut out a rectangle and the next thing you know, it's a parallelogram. I don't know if this is weird or not but instead of placing it on the back burner and working on a new project, I felt like I had to finish it before I moved on. And then I may have procrastinated. I say "may" because life is different now. It's interesting how your day can easily fill up with tasks such as cooking homemade meatballs and then cleaning the kitchen and then going for a run and then having to take a shower because it's 85 degrees with 85% humidity. But it's all good because that kind of day is better than what most of my days were like before.
I'm currently working on a fun Chef Mickey's custom outfit. Cotton, I love you.
You do do beautiful work, the dress is adorable;)
Wow that is a beautiful dress! The look on your daughter's face as she is twirling is priceless. It looks like she loves it.
This looks fantastic though!
(P.S. Can you tell I'm catching up on some blog reading today? Haha.)
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