Last week was technically my first week of summer break at home with the girls. While we had some plans, I kept our time loose and open. I think everyone needed to recover from two weeks away. The girls and I slept in most days. One morning, three of us slept until 9:00. My body appreciates the additional rest.

So what did we do last week besides swim and creative play? The girls' summer hip hop class started and they all love it. The class is tiny and one of their friends is also participating. There was a swim play date with one of their young cousins. Grammy was watching my brother's kids at the beach house for a few days so we had planned to head over there on Thursday for a beach day with cousins but the weather turned. They ended up stopping by here on Friday and hanging out for a few hours. Oh, how could I forget! Anna and Emily had consultations with the orthodontist. Emily managed to squeak by without needing intervention at the moment. Anna, not so much. Her mouth is just too crowded and she's got some severe shark tooth action going on. Ugh. She was not happy.
We finally found some ripe tomatoes on our patio plant, which we keep on the deck so the critters stay out of it. It's so difficult to find tasty tomatoes around here in the winter.

I've been debating over what to do with my blog for awhile now. I use blogger because when I set this up eight years ago, the majority of bloggers I read used it. About four, five years ago, they all deflected and moved their blogs to self-hosted. I feel like I missed the boat. I was lucky to have time to blog, forget about finding time to research and complete a move. I feel limited in what I can do here. At first, I contemplated setting up a new, side blog but side blogs never do well. I've thought of starting all over again. I fear moving eight years of blog posts is going to be an absolute nightmare.
That egg sandwich looks ridiculously good. My tummy just rumbled.
I have a wordpress blog but my own domain. Honestly my husband who is a software developer helped set it up, it's private but I'm happy to approve you for it if you want to check it out - erinkristine.com. Anyway, I used blogger for many years and wordpress has several options to import both posts and comments if you do make the switch.
I love, love, love the format of your blog. I think it is so easy to navigate and looks clean and organized to the eye. You do a great job keeping up with it and that really helps to keep the format and style in tact. I'm so grateful for the fact that you have continued to blog even after your children are older; it seems so many people quit when their kids hit elementary age but that's just when we are getting to the good stuff! I've read every post you ever written and will continue to do so. Although I don't know you personally, the style and way you have maintained and written your blog has allowed me to feel like we're old friends catching up every time I log on. Wouldn't change a thing!!!
I love your blog as well! I've followed for a while as I have triplets about a year younger than yours. I really love hearing about your family. Best wishes as you stay home. I recently returned to work after a 2.5 yr hiatus. I loved my time home with my kids and was never really bored.
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