
The girls' performances this year at their dance recital were outstanding, leaving me beaming and full of joy.
Because I was able to accompany the girls to many of their ballet classes, especially this spring, I felt better prepared with respect to costumes and hair and other dance recital details. I, of course, did not give myself enough time for hair and make-up on either day though. We had three costumes changes (times two kids) this year and yes, I learned how to layer tights. There was enough time between performances though so I didn't have to rip costumes and tights off of kids in a mad rush.
Rehearsals were on Saturday (photos and videos allowed) and the recital was Sunday afternoon (absolutely no photos or recording of performances.)
Because of the costume changes and in case Anna needed me, I mostly stayed backstage in the changing area with the girls. Their first ballet dance was to Whole Wide World (by Mindy Gledhill.) I was standing in the hall by the stage door and someone waved me in to stand sidestage and watch. Despite listening to this song and watching them practice this dance since September, I wept. I actually almost outright bawled. Allie absolutely sparkles on stage, Emily is my sweet, graceful ballerina and then there's Anna, my tiny baby who wasn't supposed to be able to do this but there she was dancing her heart out.
The woman who does the choreography is extremely talented and the competition teams (older girls) consistently place at or near the top. Allie's and Emily's original tap class was too crowded so the studio opened up another day/time for anyone who wanted to move. The spinoff class ended up with four boys and four girls, so the instructor paired them up and choreographed a dance for Rock Around The Clock. It was perfection. The kids were so animated and danced so well. Everyone loved it. The second tap dance was with the other tap dance and instead of costumes, they were told to wear black and white. The goal is to not buy anything and with Allie's help, we were able to pull together two outfits.
Another successful year of dance. Next year can only be bigger and better!
I wanna hold the whole wide world
right here in my open hands
And maybe I'm just a little girl
A little girl with great big plans

I always love your recital post each year. :) Congrats to the girls on their performances! (And that is a great song indeed!)
Oh my word, those little bunheads are the cutest ever! They all looked like they did a great job - no wonder you cried :) Esp sweet Anna!
Well done, girls! And to you on the hair and make-up!
Beautiful girls and magnificent photos
They look gorgeous!
Just so beautiful.....and that song made me cry, and I didn't even watch the dance
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