Emily ran downstairs the morning after Thanksgiving with Rich. I was still upstairs but I could hear her saying, "Maybe he's in this room." CRAP. We forgot to take the elf out.

So Allie left a note that night and Cece graced us with his presence. Do you see the elf on a shelf in her picture? I think that's a couch on the bottom part and yes, she did ask how to spell words. She does know how to spell my, to and I though.
There was a big conversation about Cece and I think the girls know that he's not real but they like the idea of him. They really enjoy looking for him each morning and showing him to guests. They don't fall for the whole if you are naughty, he's going to tell Santa bit though. Allie has asked how he flies back and forth because he's just a doll. "He's a doll so how does it work? How does the magic work?" Ahhhhhh. Then yesterday Rich told me that he cut the tag off of Cece because Emily was looking at him sitting on top of the key box and wanted to know why he had a tag on him. Because he's a doll.
Believe in magic while you can.

(Allie wrote Daddy without asking for the correct spelling. I think she did quite well.)
Such clever girls you have! It's kind of nice to read about kids who don't fall for the whole elf on the shelf mania. I, personally, am totally freaked out by the doll. His smile is so creepy!
My favorite is the ornament with the face on the Christmas tree picture!
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this made me smile :)
Too cute! We need to get to work with our Elf too.
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