Before we arrived at the beach though, we stopped at a playground we pass by on our drive. The girls love exploring new playgrounds and I still remember my parents stopping at random playgrounds. Sometimes it's the little things that generate big smiles.

Or a mouth-full-of-donut smile.

Okay, so Rich and I were cracking up over the girls on this zip line.

(Yes, I needed to post all of those.)
And then we finally arrived at the beach.

This was our first beach visit with the girls' new boogie boards. At first, Emily was the only one brave enough to attempt to ride the waves. I tried explaining to her that she needed to be out in the water and not in the surf.

She finally allowed me and then Rich to bring her out in the water.

There was success.

There were also a few falls and at one point, she went completely under the water. She, thankfully, recovered but kept saying that Daddy almost drowned her.

Allie finally ventured out into the surf.

And Anna had fun wave jumping.


This set of photos are pure awesomeness. What a perfect grouping of pics to make into a little book for the girls - A Perfect Summer Day. And yes, include every one of those zipline shots and every one of the beach shots.
^what she said
Em's face when the wave hit her is just priceless!
Love all the photos!!!
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