Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Mr. Germy

The girls often need to be reminded to wash their hands after using the bathroom. On occasion, there is some defiance and a lack of understanding of the phrase "or you could get sick."

The other day Emily emerged from the bathroom without washing her hands. Grammy reminded her to do so and Em was prepared to argue that she didn't need to when I stepped in.

"Do you know about Mr. Germy? No? Okay. Well, let me tell you about Mr. Germy. He likes to hang out on the potty and when Little Emily just went to the bathroom, she touched the potty and Mr. Germy jumped up onto her hand. Now Little Emily is going to go eat something and when she does, Mr. Germy is going to go right into her mouth and slide down her throat into her tummy. Weeeeeeeeeee! And when he's in Little Emily's tummy, he doesn't want anyone else to be in there with him so he might make you throw up or have diarrhea. Bye-bye, this is my home now."

Emily didn't say a word. She turned right around, jogged back into the bathroom and washed her hands. The next day, I had to remind Allie to wash her hands. She told me that she didn't need to because they weren't dirty.

Me - "Oh, no no no. Allie, have you heard about Mr. Germy?"

Emily - "Allie, you are going to want to wash your hands!"

Mommy's notes - Maybe this is a parenting fail that's going to give them nightmares about germs jumping down into their tummies but it did work.


Wiley said...

Actually having a stomach bug last year did wonders for our older son remembering to wash his hands and definitely made it easier to compel him. I vote you genius. I might play with some personification myself...

mommytocutiepie said...

Love it!! I'm going to use that too if you don't mind.

Jessica G said...

Wonder if my 20-something staff will buy this story? Because I swear there is no way it is physically possible to pee, then wash and dry your hands as fast as they come out of the bathroom. wth people?

Ugh and sorry - there goes any dream you had of the girls outgrowing it, oopsie!

Tina said...

HA! I love this! We also often tell our girls they might get sick if they don't wash their hands, and of course they usually ignore that comment as well. I might have to steal the story of Mr. Germy! Thanks! ;)

wethreelyons said...

oh my goodness i love this! so creative!! :o)

Wendy said...

OMG I am lmao... that is AWESOME. M&L use too much soap when they wash up-- I'm reminded of the no-touch dispenser you have. I need to get one of those!

Kayla said...

Love this. I am SO using this on my girls. I am constantly reminding them to go back and wash up. My girls aren't afraid of germs but I did tell them about germs and now they just ask me, "Do you like my Danielle germs" or say, "Now you have Sami germs" before taking my food or drink or, um, licking me.