Here's my unsophisticated set-up:
Here is the first picture that I took with an f stop of 2.0. (I enlarged the picture for your viewing pleasure.) I was focused directly on the 5.
As you can see, the focus fell on the 6 and into the 7.
Here's the same shot (f stop was 2.2) with the auto focus adjusted by -10.
Here's Tiger with the focal point on his right eye.
I think I need to find a replacement because my warm, fuzzy feeling with this lens is gone. Does anyone have a Sigma 30mm f/1.8? Bueller? Bueller?
Don't have it, but I've heard amazing things. I'm hoping to get one within the next month.
Hey Sarah, my wife mentioned you asked about the Sigma 30mm (it's f/1.4 rather than f/1.8), so I thought I'd come leave a comment. I've had it for 4 years now, and it's still my favorite lens. I've actually owned 2 of them now, one when I had Olympus, then bought it again when I switched brands. Here's some shots I took of our boys just a few days ago with it.
Question is, though, if you can adjust for backfocus on your camera, why replace your 35mm? I have a few lenses that back & front focus a bit, but until recently when I got a new camera, I couldn't adjust and just had to live with it. Now on my new camera they're all adjusted and work great. (by the way, here's a good test chart.
Cody - thank you so much for responding. I knew it was a 1.4 - I must have been so tired, I typed 1.8. You know how that goes w/ triplets...
Thank you for the link for that chart.
I'll have to see how my shooting goes now that I have calibrated but I feel like the focus issue was inconsistent. I was trying to find an alternative lens just in case I need to replace asap.
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