Here are the staples.
I have not once seen her attempt to touch them. The gash is still bothering her a bit but she has only complained when we've had to gently pull clothes over her head and at bath time. Tonight at bedtime, she told us that she couldn't put her head down a certain way because of her boo boo.
We've had two bath nights since the accident and Anna has not wanted to take a bath both times. I think she's afraid that having her hair washed will hurt. She did whimper last night when I sprayed her hair but was okay when I rinsed the shampoo out. Thank goodness the nurse scrubbed most of the blood from Anna's hair before we left the hospital because I've been too afraid to really wash that area.
Speaking of leaving the hospital, here's a cell phone picture of Anna with the gauze bandage wrapped around her head. Yeah, makes her injury look so much worse than it really was.
To end, I'll share a photo I took a few days before the boo boo. I was trying to capture Anna's long eyelashes.

Aww poor sweet thing...she just makes my heart melt
my neighbor who is 3 just had to get 1 staple because his dad accidentally shut the van door on his head
Awh, poor thing. I'm sure lots of Mommy kisses will have her feeling better in no time!!
poor baby.
What a sweetheart!
aww... i felt the pain too. hope lil Anna healing soon!
poor little sweetie. I must have missed the post about her accident. I'll have to back track to see what happened. So glad it wasn't worse.
Ahhhh the poor little dot! Hope she gets better soon :)
Wonderful blog by the way :D
poor thing. But boy, is she a trooper. At least it's in her hairline. Get well soon, Anna.
p.s. I love her lashes...wish mine were that long!
What a little sweetheart.
Poor girl. (But gorgeous lashes!)
omg! Poor little muffin. I hope it heals up soon.
aww, poor little one (poor mom and dad too). I hope it looks worse than it feels and she heals soon.
Btw - I am learning so much about photography from you. Thx for your lessons.
JW in MA
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