Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The List

When I arrived home from work one night last week, Emily handed me a piece of paper with "writing" on it.

"Em, what's this?"

"It's a list for you."

"Can you read it to me? My eyes are bothering me tonight."

"Yes. It says Mommy, you need to cook. You need to go to the store. You need to go to the post office. You need to sweep. You need to brush the floor."

"I need to sweep AND brush the floor?"

"No, SWEEP."

"Oh, sleep?"

"Yes, sweep."

"I know I need to sleep, honey. Thank you."

Hmmm, brush the floor?


Tracey's Life said...

I love little kid will probably remember this and remind her of it years later.

Thanks for sharing the love!

Jen said...

So funny :) She's really looking out for you!

Ami said...

That totally made me smile! And reminded me of a book..have your girls read Knuffle Bunny?, and Knuffle Bunny Too, (Two) and Knuffle Bunny Free? (Three). LOVE the way kids talk...anyhoo, better get workin on brushing that floor! :)

Kayla said...

Kid-speak is my favorite. Now get to work on that list so you can go to sweep!

I did not know there was a Knuffle Bunny Too and Free - I'll have to look for it because we love Knuffle Bunny!

My 6 y/o still insists that when something belongs to her, "it's mind" not "mine". When I correct her, she corrects me right back. Love it!

Happy New Year!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I know your kids love to draw and do arts and crafts so i looked u this website for u because i figured you have alot of broken crayons in your housse too.