Sunday, March 21, 2010

Even lovies need lovies

Do you see that small orange Care Bear?

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That is Elmo's teddy bear. As you can see, Elmo is napping with Anna's baby and his teddy bear.

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And here is Elmo enjoying a walk with his mommy.

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I'll have more on why Allie was wearing that dress in an upcoming post. Yes, I am behind on my posts. Too much to do. {Insert sigh here.}

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I want to add how Allie will walk around bouncing Elmo saying, "Caaalm down. Calm down. Caaaalm down." Apparently, he is still in the infant stage and needs comforting when he becomes too upset. It is extremely cute and entertaining to witness.


ksanculi said...

Wow! I agree, that is extremely adorable!!! Thanks for sharing! :D

Bree at Clarity Defined said...

These are great! I love her expression in that second to last one. She looks very into her conversation with Elmo. Please tell me there's video. :)

Jamie said...

Soooo cute!! Where did you find that triple stroller for her dolls?! I know Addison will need one.

Sarah said...

We have video - I'll have to get Rich to post on his blog. LOL

Jamie - we bought those strollers a LONG time ago. They were on clearance at FAO Schwartz (I think) for real cheap so we bought 3!