This was a local farm that doesn't have website. There is information about them on the internet but, again, no website. Based upon what information we did find, Rich called to determine whether or not they were still offering pumpkin patch picking. Yes, they were but it is a 20 minute walk to the patch unless you take the hayride, which is $3 per person (over the age of three.) We wanted the girls to experience the hayride plus that 20 minute walk would have been OUTRAGEOUS for us.
The only employee we could find was in the store and there were no signs so Rich had to keep going back into the store to try to figure out what we were supposed to be doing. How do we pay for tickets for the hayride because when that tractor pulls up I'm sure as hay not waiting another 20 minutes for another one if we are supposed to pay elsewhere. We then had another mother tell us that where we were standing waiting for the hayride was for the Children's Center. Off Rich went to find out what the hay was going on. Oh yes, there is a private party but EVERYONE needs to stand in the same area to wait for the hayride.
I envisioned pulling a cute little wagon loaded with pumpkins from the girls' picking. Yeah, not so much. We were expected to carry the pumpkins onto the hayride back to civilization. Can you imagine how much fun Rich and I had loading three toddlers and six little pumpkins onto a crowded hayride (because there was no way in hay I was waiting 20 minutes for the next one) while fighting off little kids just arriving who thought that our pumpkins waiting by the side of the road were free for all.
The girls had fun and really that's all that matters. That's the real reason why we were there. They walked around the patch picking and dropping pumpkins. Gourds became drumsticks upon which to beat the pumpkins as well. Clothes became covered in dirt. Such is the life of a toddler.
When we finally returned to the main part of the farm, Rich had to then pay for our picked pumpkins. I originally had the girls playing on a wooden post fence outside while we waited. After about five minutes or so, we moved to the giant stack of hay where other kids were climbing and jumping. Unfortunately, with three of them, one of me and a five foot high pile of hay, they had to settle for jumping on a little bundle off to the side. I told them that the big pile of hay was for big kids and singletons only. I was quite proud of myself for maneuvering the three of them by myself down the dirt road from point A to point B. We all held hands. No escapees.
As promised, the obligatory pumpkin picking photos.

A very serious Anna


In our world, this is how one parent walks with all three girls. And yes, they actually do like to hold hands. It just takes a VERY long time to get to our intended destination.

Sounds like an ordeal! But at least you got these stunning photos. :)
Wow....does the "only for singletons" rule really work?
I gotta try that!!
I always find that as long as you have good photos you can call it a good day out.
Oh wow, they are 3 of the cutest kids I've ever seen! Those are the best pictures :)
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