Can you believe that Anna, with spina bifida, can jump on her own? Her little feet actually leave the floor/ground now. We've also seen a HUGE improvement in her gait. I always think back to that first ultrasound when the triplets and Anna's spina bifida were discovered. Rich and I were told by the doctors that she would most likely need a walker or braces to get around on her own. We knew that we should prepare for the possibility of her having to be in a wheelchair but I told everyone that she would walk on her own. I could feel her kicking.
I would like for the girls to participate in some type of gymnastics class in the near future. Em especially loves placing one of the couch pillows on the floor and jumping on it likes it's a trampoline.

(Allie and Em were my models for these photos. Anna was running around and wouldn't participate.)
"We knew that we should prepare for the possibility of her having to be in a wheelchair but I told everyone that she would walk on her own. I could feel her kicking."
I got a killer attack of the goosebumps when I read that!! A mother's instinct is amazing, isn't it? :)
Amazing. What a miracle.
Didn't you write once that Anna has the most severe form of SB?
How did it come about that she is able to do everything on her own? Was it the early intervention?
Enjoy your sweeties!
So great to hear that Anna is making strides against all odds!
I admire you and and your husband. You both work full-time, run a household, and yet you seem to manage to fill your days with fun activities with these beautiful little girls!
WOW!!! It is so amazing...your girls are all SO BEAUTIFUL!!!! Maybe we will see them all in the summer olympics...as gymnast! Ok, maybe in 13 or so years...but I am totally looking forward to it!
Anna is a champ!
That is amazing your little one is doing so well. So glad to hear it.
Good idea and I love, love their little feet peeking out from the jeans.
What a great idea to have a balance beam at your house. That is such great therapy. Amazing how for along she has come!
Incredible, just incredible!
And definitely go for it with a gymnastics class. My kids have been going for several months now, and they just love it!
Thanks for your comments everyone. Yes, Anna has the most severe form of SB but it only affected the lowest portion of her spine. She had one of the best neurosurgeons around operate on her right after she was born. Maybe it's a combo of these things and luck that she is doing so well.
love those little toes <3
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