We hope you enjoyed your trip to Michigan and Kentucky. We did miss you although we prefer that Mommy and Daddy be at home and not working the man.
We were supposed to do a lot of fun stuff with Mommy and Daddy this week but then Allie got sick and threw up. She had to miss storytime at the library but we told her all about the little girl who threw her drumsticks and cried when her Mommy left early with her. It was nice and warm on Monday and Tuesday so Mommy and Daddy let us play in the pool in the yard. We were going to go to the beach on Wednesday but it rained. Mommy and Daddy said that we could go on Thursday but then it rained again. Rain, rain go away. Come again another day.
Thursday after nap, Mommy and Daddy dressed us in play pants, long-sleeved shirts and our pink hats and let us play out in the yard even though it was all wet. The mosquitoes were EVERYWHERE so Mommy and Daddy told us that we could play in the driveway with our strollers and shopping carts. It was so much fun. No running in the driveway!
Our new favorite song is Wheels on the Bus so you better learn the words. We've been making Mommy sing it over and over and over and over.
Mommy made us piggies in blankies for dinner last night. Anna LOVED them. Em wouldn't even touch them. Mommy pulled off a piece of the crescent roll and put it in Em's mouth so that she could taste how yummy it is. Em spit it out and said, "I don't like it." AND she didn't like Mommy's cherry Icee yesterday either. She took one sip and when Mommy tried to give her another, she shook her head no and said, "Only Mommy drinks it. I don't like it."
It was really warm today but we couldn't go to the beach because Mommy had appointments. We tried to play in the pool but the mosquitoes were attacking us. We played in the driveway again with our strollers and then after dinner, Mommy let us play with Playdough. She made us little kitties out of Playdough. Only Allie attempted to put some in her mouth even though she was saying, "Don't put it in mouth," at the same time.
And can you believe that Anna counted to 14 without making any mistakes!!!
Here are some pictures so you can see what you missed this week.
Emily hugging Allie because she was sick.

Emily, Anna (picking grass off of her feet) and Allie.

Mommy has a new hairstyle for us. She says that we look like little ballerinas. Here is Anna modeling it for you.

And then Anna got Daddy's cell phone and Allie tried to take it away from her.

Anna discovered the benefits of yogurt as lotion.

While Em stuck with chocolate.

We pretended to sleep on the floor.

Mommy wanted to take pictures of us with our "school uniforms" on. She was soooo mad after she uploaded the pictures and discovered that the flash must have bounced off of the light fixture instead of the ceiling, leaving those horrible shadows on the wall. We will have to schedule a reshoot once she figures out the flash bouncing problem for that room.

I LOL'd for real and made the dog jump when I read about Allie and the playdough. Too funny!
Hi Allie, Anna & Emily,
I love my letter...it sounds like you had fun having Mommy and Daddy with you all week. Love the pictures...See you soon,
Love, Grammy
I love their little pigtails!! Gosh they're beautiful little girls. I hope you don't get sick of hearing that!
Oh my gosh. Do those school shirts say "bookworm" or am I imagining things? Do tell where they're from! Please!
-michelle w.j.
I know I've said it ten times, but I am so in love with your girls. They are so sweet - i think part of it is they remind me of my own Katie a ltitle bit. I wish we could get all our girls together, i bet they would have so much fun. Please, if you're ever in NJ - let me know!! :)
Thank you, everyone, for your comments. And yes, those shirts do say Bookworm. They were a gift from Aunt Katie for the girls' 2nd birthday. I'm not sure where she bought them.
And if we do ever head to NJ, I'll let you know. I do think the girls would get along great too!
I love that you wrote the letter to Grammy from the girls' perspective. So, so sweet.
One thing that took me by surprise is that ya have mosquitoes... I thought they only had mosquitoes in southern states. I live in Louisiana and the mosquitoes is our state bird, lol
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