Saturday, June 20, 2009

Thank goodness tonight is bath night!

Rich and I brought the girls to their very first triplet outing today. They had an incredible amount of fun. Let's hope this results in a late morning of sleep for all of us tomorrow as this morning was not all that wonderful.

I am exhausted and will have to write out all the details and sort through all the photos tomorrow but let's just say that the girls were filthy by the time we left. At one point I said to Rich, "Thank goodness tonight is bath night." I'll leave you with this picture as an example. Allie enjoying her ice cream.

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marciesteeves said...

Hehe, we postponed bath night until tomorrow. But then again, we have 2 dogs, so the nightly tongue-bath should count for something, right?

pyjammy pam said...

great picture!