Friday, March 6, 2009

Grammy's Day Care Center

Last week, Grammy babysat Beth and Gracie allowing my brother Dan to run some errands. We just need to throw a few more babies and toddlers in the mix and Grammy can call herself the "Almost Irish Octo-Grammy."

It makes my heart all warm and fuzzy knowing that the girls enjoy these visits with their cousins.

The girls are also FASCINATED with Gracie, the youngest.

Here's Em crawling after Gracie...

And Em patting Gracie on the head...

And Allie playing with Gracie's hair...

Gracie is almost exactly one year younger the girls and she weighs the same as Anna. During the visit, Grammy needed to give Gracie her bottle which she usually drinks while resting against a pillow on the floor. Grammy knew that there was no way the girls would allow her to drink a bottle without disturbing her so Grammy put her in the Pack-n-Play. The girls stood there and watched her. Beth couldn't understand what was so fascinating about watching Gracie. "She's just drinking her bottle."

More than a week later and the girls are still pointing to the Pack-n-Play while announcing "Gracie. Baba."

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Now I can say - happy reading, Dan.