Sunday, January 25, 2009

Yes. There are three.

Rich and I took the girls shopping this afternoon to the Warehouse-Buy-In-Bulk Place. We haven't shopped there since the girls' birth because it has just been too crazy and we really didn't have room to store bulk items - especially those that need to be frozen.

Rich and I like to shop with two in the double stroller and one in the shopping cart. We usually hear, "Oh, look at the twins," as we try to avoid any eye contact. There were a few of those today but as I was waiting off to the side with Allie and Em while Rich checked out, some grey-bearded guy held up three fingers and asked, "Three?" When I replied yes, he asked, "All at the same time?"

So he stopped to ask me the usual questions. He even asked if they were identical without any prompting from me. And then a couple with a young boy stopped to ask if they were triplets. Again, the mother asked if they were identical. I actually didn't mind chatting today as I was waiting for Rich and Em was whining. Strangers talking to us distracted her enough to keep her quiet. As that couple was walking away, the woman said, "God bless you."

I still don't know how to view that comment. Is it that God blessed us or is it slightly sarcastic in that we will need God's blessing in raising three at once?

Okay, I'm going to swich gears now to feeding three little pumpkins their pizza for dinner. A pizza cutter takes on new meaning...


Nicole O'Dell said...

I really like when people say "God bless you". I think it's WAY better than when they say, "Better you than me."

I take God bless you as a positive statement, a prayer in a way. And I take the better you than me statement as a big negative--and I usually respond to that one with, "I'm sure my kids agree!"


pyjammy pam said...

down here in the south, "god bless you" is definitely a kind thing, but i know what you mean. it's hard not to get defensive sometimes considering the other comments we get, but if it was an older lady, i'll bet she was being genuinely kind.

Linda said...

Hmmm, I say God Bless You some times to moms of multiples. I have twins and met a woman with quads at BRU. I said that to her meaning she is blessed and that she is a wonderful strong person to raise four babies at once. Nothing malicious!!

Chantel said...

Without hearing her tone of voice, I think she means it more in a way of admiring you.

Meluch+3 said...

We do the same thing (2 in one cart, 1 in the other) at the BIG warehouse store. But we still get a lot of god bless yous and my fav--you've got your hands full.


Sarah said...

Okay - I'll take it to be a positive comment. We've actually never had a bad one - except this one guy with his wife and 1 kid said something along the lines of not wanting 3 - I wanted to say, "Well, it's a good thing you only have!"