Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Tunnel Toy

We found this tunnel toy for the girls. Looks like they couldn't quite figure out what to do with it at first.

Here's Allie checking out the inside.

Here's Em pretending to be a bear cub.

Anna. What are you doing?

There you go, Anna. She's a bear cub too.

We've had a lot of rainy weather this past week. Unfortunately, winter is right around the corner and the girls are going to be stuck inside more. We are trying to find some activity related toys to keep them occupied.


Sugar Mommy said...

Looks like FUN!
Can I ask where to find a tube like that? I know my girlies would just love it!

Sarah said...

Rich actually purchased it at Building 19 - don't know if those stores are nation-wide or just New England. They basically sell items that fell off the back of the truck - literally. It was inexpensive but the fabric is already worn thin in some spots where it rubs against the metal tubing. I think he paid $10 - $15 for it. I thought someone somewhere mentioned that Target had them but I've never seen them there - maybe online.