Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Easter + Life Lately + Photography Page

We had a very full Easter weekend.  We were gone all Saturday afternoon for a birthday party and then it was a bit of a scramble to clean and prepare Saturday night for Easter day.  Wouldn't be a holiday without some late cleaning, right?


The weather here has been absolutely miserable.  I know we're not alone!  At least it was semi-warm over the weekend.  Saturday more so than Sunday.  And only if you consider 57 semi-warm.  Some of Rich's family came over on Sunday morning for breakfast.  The girls loved spending time with two of their little cousins.  Rich and I both went for runs and then we headed over to my parents' house for Easter dinner.  The girls were excited for even more time with more cousins.





It snowed on Monday.  Three inches, which melted by the afternoon.  It's not the snow that bothers me; it's the fact that it is cold enough to snow.  One of our local meteorologists made the comment last week that we need to get through April 12 before the threat of snow is gone.  Snow?  April 12?  The water is supposed to be turned back on at the cottage soon.  This is typically the time of year when most seasonal residents hook up their water.  The busiest time of the year for water turn-on is school vacation week, which is the third week in April.



I continue to take portraits of the girls as "practice."  At this point, I don't know what I'm practicing because I feel confident with this type of photography.  At least I have a collection of beautiful portraits.  


One of my brothers and his three kids joined us for Easter dinner.  I asked my niece to sit on the floor by the back sliding doors and look outside.  Click.  Thank you.  I needed to practice on a new subject.


My blog has a few pages which are shown up there under my blog name.  If you're on your phone, you need to use the drop down menu to access the pages.  I finally updated my Photography page so it reads like a real post now.  I have a Travel page in process and I need to redo the Disney page so it's a more useful roadmap for those new to planning.


Anonymous said...

How do you get the black background in your portraits?

Sarah said...

Hi. The black is from a lack of light. That picture of my niece is a room with a bunch of stuff behind her. For both of the portraits, I have them sitting a few feet from a glass door, facing the light. Not direct sunlight though.