Wednesday afternoon, a friend and I brought dinner to a friend who'd had surgery. Then the girls and I prepared desserts to bring for Thanksgiving dinner at my brother's house. Thanksgiving Day was fun. We had an early dinner and dessert at my brother's and then another round of dessert at Rich's niece's house. The girls loved playing with their cousins.

We replaced the couch at the beach cottage at the end of the summer but the old couch was still hanging around. It was in decent shape, just not the size we wanted/needed. Last week, Rich tells me he found someone to take the couch but they can only come on Friday and he needs to work. My first thought goes to the Craigslist Killer. It can be extremely isolating on the Cape during colder months, especially where the cottage is located. It turns out he found a charitable organization to take it, but my dad still came with me. The girls stayed at home and played with two of their cousins. The cottage is currently without water so I didn't want to drag them along unnecessarily. I was surprised to see a bit of life in the area. The handyman who cares for the cottage next door was building a shed all afternoon.

The yard, driveway, street are covered in pine needles. So many pine needles.

We ended the weekend with the girls' second dance company performance in a local holiday parade.

Stop taking pictures, please.

We stayed for the tree lighting and hot cocoa, of course.

November sure flew by. I'm not quite yet into Christmas-mode.

1 comment:
I just LOVE that hot cocoa portrait.
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