Friday, December 27, 2013

I survived - a Christmas recap

I wanted to post this earlier but I've been spending any "spare" time cleaning up and out the girls' playroom.  This morning, we brought the girls bowling and out to lunch with Em's BFF and family.  Fun was had by all, except when I lost.  Ha ha.  

We kicked off our holiday celebrations Sunday afternoon with the big Christmas party for Rich's side of the family.  Rich is one of thirteen kids and has twenty-something nieces and nephews, many of whom have little ones of their own, so in order for everyone to celebrate the holiday together, they need to rent a hall or a function room.  Unfortunately, not all of the little ones were in attendance so the girls were kind of bummed out.  There was an awesome kid craft table though.

And Santa came.

Santa with fear.

Santa without tears.

Poor Allie.  As we were packing up to leave the party, she told me her eye was bothering her.  It wasn't just bothering her - it was actually swelling shut.  She had made a bird feeder with peanut butter and pine cones and I'm guessing she rubbed something in or near her eye.  The pine cones were the decorative ones that smelled of cinnamon - again, guessing that that was the culprit.  Thankfully, she only needed one dose of Benadryl. 

Rich worked Christmas Eve day but was home early enough for us to attend an early mass.  I was fearful that the girls would grumble and fidget but they were total rock stars.  We had just enough time to bake some quick sugar cookies before tucking the kids into bed.

Now, this is the one night of the year I am almost guaranteed not to be awakened by a little one.  We made it until 4:00 in the morning.  Anna came charging into our room, complaining that her tummy hurt (spina bifida related) and that I needed to sleep with her.  She rolled around for the next two hours.  At 5:30, she began asking when it was going to be morning.  Needless to say, I was (and am) exhausted.

I finished the last blanket for the doll beds at 10:00 PM Christmas Eve.  The girls LOVED them.

There were only a few wrapped presents for them under the tree, which was sort of in the doorway, making placing large presents under or around it impossible.  I had lined up the beds in the living room with the doll boxes behind the beds.  The girls ran over to the beds first.  Anna pulled back the blanket on hers and shrieked with excitement.  That was all I needed to hear.  Allie told me that I should open my own store.  Ha ha.  But so sweet of her.

The rest of the day was a blur of crazy.  We host - some family for breakfast, some for dinner and more for dessert.  I had my camera ready when the girls started opening presents but I never took any photos.  I didn't pick the camera up again that day.  Sometimes life rolls on without photos.  And that's okay.

There's so much more to say about Christmas but I need to wrap this up and get to bed.


Bree at Clarity Defined said...

The beds turned out GREAT! SO cute!

Sarah said...

Thanks. I was really happy with how they came out.