The ground is covered in snow from yesterday's storm and this morning, Emily asked, "Why, oh why is it the first day of spring and I don't see any grass?" Because we live in New England, sweetie.
Last week at gymnastics, the coaches incorporated some wish-at-the-end-of-the-rainbow thing with floor routine stuff for St. Patty's Day. (Thing and stuff = awesome writing skills.) After class, the girls told me what they had wished for.
Allie - "I wished for a camera and that my family will always love me."
Me - "Oh, Allie, sweetie. Of course, we'll always love you."
Anna - "I wished that spring would come tomorrow."
Me - "That's a good wish, Anna. I would like for spring to come tomorrow too."
Emily - "I wished for the same thing as Allie."
Me - "Oh, honey. Of course your family will always love you."
Emily - "No, not that. I want a camera."
We've had a few discussions regarding the groundhog and his prediction for spring. I said that I think he may have lied to us. Allie's teacher told her class that there may be a different groundhog for Boston. I think Anna had the best explanation of all - "Maybe it doesn't know anything because it's an animal."

I live in Phoenix and we are at the opposite end of the spectrum. It's beautiful here now, but we had an unusual hot streak last week and it got into the mid 80s. We had to turn on our A/C early. :-( It may sound good to you guys in the cold and snow, but spring here is like autumn elsewhere.... playing outside all we can before weather drives us indoors. (But in our case, it's the 110 degree summer days that make us stay in!). There's gotta be a place in the US that is nice year-round. Oh wait, there is... southern California, where I grew up, and where it's now way to expensive to move back. Sigh. :-)
I love your girls' comments! I'm laughing bright and early this morning. ;)
Ah, I am loving these conversation bits. You have some perceptive girls. I like each of their statements and they make me laugh. Also, its the 2nd day of spring and we have snow coming down in CT today. ACK!
Snow flurries are predicted for our area tomorrow...and I live in ALABAMA. Come on, spring!
Making it a little worse is the fact that we got a taste of 60-70 degree weather several days in the last two weeks. I want those days back! (Spring is so short here, we have to treasure every moment!)
I cracked up at Emily's "No, I want a camera" comment. : )
I live in northern Minnesota and we keep wishing for spring too. When I left for work it was -13 degrees.
It is supposed to snow again today! I really wish we had booked a mid-winter getaway to someplace warm.
I love Anna's explanation about the groundhog! She definitely hit the nail on the head.
Anna is hilarious and a smart cookie.
It's snowing here on Long Island too so don't feel to bad, but I agree I'm done with the snow. By the way, your girls are too funny.
What an adorable response. I was an elementary school teacher and the comments I got were priceless. It is so fun to hear what kids come up with!
First time poster. Love reading your stories of the girls and little glimpses of Boston (lived there after college and still miss it). Saw this article and had to laugh. Darn groundhog!
Hi Sara,
Looks like someone has been stealing your pictures...
LOL at the groundhog death penalty
Jenn - thank you for letting me know. I posted on twitter last night and it was confirmed that those other photos were stolen and the other blogger has been contacted. The thief is 15 years old and roleplaying, which is really stealing photos and written content.
This post may be a little late but I felt the need to post.
Today is March 24th, 2013. I live in Arkansas where winter doesn't come often. It was 40 degrees today ... it just snowed two days ago. I feel like I should go and buy a snow buggy just to keep up!
Oh well, ya'll have a good day :]
Your girls sound so wise! :) Spring is yet to come to Indiana as well. We got hit with a snowstorm today. So ready for warm weather!
Anna!! hahaha... sassy :)
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