Sunday, December 9, 2012

Allie's Bedtime Journal

Every night (when I'm home, of course), I read three books to the girls.  We all pile onto my bed for story time and then Rich and I tuck the girls into their own beds.  Allie needs to unwind a bit before going to sleep so she usually looks at books by herself (or with Elmo and Eeyore.)  About a month ago, I gave her a notebook (I purchased a pile of them during a big sale at Target after school started) and some crayons and suggested that she spend some time creating.

Unicorn fairy


I had suggested that she try writing I am the little cat.  The first four words of that sentence are on their list of high frequency words at school.  She did a great job and I love the added drawing of a cat.


This is one of my favorites.  I had to ask Allie about it the next morning because I couldn't figure it out.  (I like to flip through her journal after she falls asleep.)  It's says No and then that's a picture of a person pushing over a trash can with an X through it.  So no pushing over trash cans.  And then the rest says Go to safety dot com.


I have no idea how or why she came up with that.

Family members in hearts.


Self explanatory.


This is another favorite of mine.  That's Allie in front of a balance beam about to compete at the Olympics.  She drew a few too many circles but still impressive.



Lily said...

Can't wait till she's on the Olympic gymnastics team, and that picture resurfaces! That is really impressive, though, and the whole nighttime journaling is a great habit. Hopefully she keeps it up her whole life!

Anonymous said...

Just curious - does Anna get cathed at school?

MandyE (Twin Trials and Triumphs) said...

I love seeing the evolution of our girls' art. They draw a lot on our Magna Doodles, so I take lots of pictures. I love your idea of a journal, though!

Wendy said...

The journal is a great idea! Love her artwork :)

Anonymous said...

Your daughters are so adorable! Just curious.. do they fight with each other?

Sarah said...

Anon #1 - No, Anna isn't cathed at school b/c she isn't there for more than 3 hours.

Anon #2 - They have their moments.