Couch #1
Em helped me with this project. She was so excited to have found Rapunzel's paints and told me how it had been lost for years.
Couch #2
Yes, that's an old phone.
We both shrieked when we found teeny tiny Pascal. I haven't seen him in, well, let's just say a very long time. I've always said that he has 99 lives. Wouldn't you know that 3 hours later we couldn't find him again.
Until next time....
What has Rapunzel been doing all this time without Pascal and her paints?! I usually find some cars and squinkies in mine. Love to know that I'm not the only one that finds "treasures" in the couch.
Carla - she has another, bigger, Pascal and took a break from painting. lol
LOL!! OMG, Sarah that was hilarious!! What a fabulous idea for a post! You know have all of us running to our couches now to seek any lost treasures WE may have lurking beneath the cushions!! :)
lol so much random stuff! How old were the girls when you let them have things that small?
We took away ALL small toys when M started crawling a few months ago but even now, I will catch Peyton putting stuff in her mouth from time to time. Even though she knows better!
All of their littles would put me in my death bed!
Fun post. I like couch # 2's brand new barrette. My girls have started removing couch cushions to use as islands, gymnastic mats, etc. (not that I allow it, they are just fast and do it when I go to the bathroom cuz they know they'll have a few minutes). Anyway, I walked into the living room and saw more crayons and pencils and little toys on my couch than I could believe. How do we not feel these things?
Too funny!! This could be a game show :)
I love the randomness of it all - Good thing that pencil didn't hurt someone when they sat down :)
I think shortly after the age of 3, they were okay with smallish stuff. By 3.5 - 4, completely fine. They did put small stuff in their mouths for the longest time. I remember one of Anna's EI therapists saying how surprised she was that they were stuff doing it at 2.5 years old.
This stuff was all buried deep. You have to take the cushions off and stick your hands into the folds of the couch - no danger of pencil injuries - haha.
What a fun idea for a post. Isn't it amazing what you find in couches? I know we have had our share of "ohhh! That's where it was!!" ...
I love knowing I'm not the only one who finds random treasures in the couch cushions. We found the Green Lantern in our cushions just today. I wish I had thought to make a post of all the other items. :) I love that Em said pascal had been "lost for years." Ha.
I love that teeny Pascal!!
Hahah... I just read todays post with the pool, hotel, picnic, restaurant, etc and I was looking for little Pascal in the pictures. Glad he was found, even if only for a few hours.
Before I read what you wrote at the bottom, I literally LOLed at the sight of Pascal! I'm so surprised he hasn't been vacuumed up or fallen down a register or something!
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