I thought I had it last night. Yesterday was Day 9 and it was a vomit free DAY. Rich and I arrived home from work to find Emily basically sleeping while awake. Rich made a comment about how slowly she was talking. To be honest, I was a bit concerned. We rushed them upstairs for bed.
Em was sitting on the carpeted floor in her bedroom with her little pile of books she wanted me to read to her. I asked her if she wanted to lay down in her bed while I helped Allie brush her teeth. She said yes.
Now, the brushing of teeth in our house is a bit of an ordeal. Three year olds need to take their toothbrushes out of the container by THEMSELVES. They need to hold their toothbrushes under the water by THEMSELVES. They need to do EVERYTHING by THEMSELVES. As I was assisting Allie in all of this, I thought I heard water splashing from outside the bathroom.
No. Oh, no. Oh, please no.
Yes. There was poor little half asleep Emily throwing up all over her bed.
What seemed like hours later, Rich and I finally had all three munchkins asleep in beds. Anna was alone in her room and Em was sleeping with Allie because we only have one set of sheets and one protective mattress cover for each bed. And right about now, there is no way anyone is sleeping in any bed unless it has a protective mattress cover on it.
I thought I was going to be able to finish my Christmas card photo shoot post after I ate dinner. Every 15 to 20 minutes, I would sneak upstairs to check on the girls as Emily was causing me some anxiety. Shortly after 9:30, Rich was headed upstairs with some clean laundry so I asked him to check on everyone. He came rushing back down. Anna had puked in her bed.
Not only had Anna thrown up but she had done so in her sleep. Thankfully she had been sleeping on her side so thankfully she hadn't choked. She was still sound asleep when we went in there to clean everything up and when she finally woke up, she kept saying, "I don't like that smell." I had to give her a quick bath while Rich stripped her bed and remade it with Emily's sheets, which were then clean.
By the time I arrived back downstairs, my Dell had turned itself off. It likes to do that for no reason at all. Just shuts right off. Thankyouverymuch and haveaniceday. I am happy to report that I am finally the proud new owner of a 15 inch MacBook Pro. I am actually typing this post on it right now and so far I LOVE it. I still have to find time to load my new software onto it and transfer photos. And I still need to get used to all this Mac stuff. And I think I need to calibrate. I can't tell. The greens look a bit off to me.
I hope Anna and Em continue to improve tomorrow. Emily has been begging to the point of tears for some chocolate and vanilla ice cream and I really want my baby to be able to eat whatever her little heart desires.

Oh dear. I am so sorry for all of that, it sounds awful. Hope your babies are better soon and you can catch some so well deserved rest.
My blog is mostly in Portuguese so you probably cannot read it, but I wrote a post two weeks ago about the ALL BY THEMSELVES thing. The toothbrushing scene had me laughing since the word "Now...", hehehe, I knew exactly what came next.
So hoping things get better soon! I have a MacBook also and LOVE it!! Best wishes to your family for a speedy, vomit-free recovery! :)
Hope everyone gets better soon!
I love my new MacBook Pro! Best ever!
Poor girls! I have a MacBook Pro also and I've never needed to calibrate it. Perfect color!! LOVE.
I don't have the MacBook Pro, but we have the Mac Pro with the tower and we LOVE it. Thinking of getting the MacBook, too. Keep us updated on if you like it....
Hope everyone is feeling better soon!
Poor babies. I woke up with the stomach curse today today and am praying my daughter doesn't get it.
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