"Yes, sweetie. I have to go to work today."
"No! I don't want you to go to work. Don't leave!"
"I'm sorry, honey. I have to go."
"Are you going to work the day after this day?"
"Yes, sweetie. I have to go to work tomorrow."
"What building am I going to go to when I'm a grown up?"
"What building? Do you mean for work?"
"Well, sweetie, I hope you don't have to go to a building for work. Maybe you've inherited enough creative talents and you'll have opportunities to do something different. You like clothes, right? Maybe you'll be a fashion designer. People will walk around saying, I'm wearing the Alicenne LeBlanc collection."
"NO! I don't want people wearing my clothes."
Thanks for clicking!

OMG Kids can be so cute!
That is awesome!! Thanks for the smile :)
Questions on the voting since Ally is not ready to debut her clothes line .. lol
Is clicking on the link the vote or do I need to click on your blog on the new website?
How come your blog does not have a picture?
Hope everyone is starting to feel better!
HAHAHAHA.. Seriously, that was hilarious. This will be one amazing story to tell her when she is older :)
This is such an adorable conversation!
Thanks for the comments!
Kris - you click on the button and then click again on the next page. That's all you have to do. The pictures that people have are blog buttons and I don't have a blog button. I tried making one and I didn't like the way it looked so I figured that no blog button was better than a horrible one.
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