Sunday, October 24, 2010


I hate Sunday nights. The end of the weekend. Reflecting on all those unfinished projects. Knowing that Monday morning 6:00 AM is just around the corner.

So tonight's post is going to be short and sweet. I painted my nails about a week and a half ago and right now, they are a chipped mess. Of course, I had big plans to take care of them earlier. Never happened.

I wanted to post this cute picture of Anna. The girls' grandma came for a visit earlier this week. She brought these paper masks for the girls to color thinking that it would keep them occupied for awhile. With the way they color, it was a quick project.

Anyway, Anna has been taking the masks and going into the bathroom to look at herself in the mirror with a mask on. I watched her do it all weekend and managed to get a picture of it.



Anonymous said...

All day Friday she like to put one of the mask over her face and walk up behind me and I would act like I was super afraid...she would do her Anna laugh everytime.

Julia said...

Super cute!

Meg said...

This made me laugh out loud! Adorable! :)