in my bed.

For the sake of my sanity and blood pressure, it's probably best if we do not discuss the circumstances surrounding why she slept where and how I slept. Or didn't sleep.
Em has been awake early every morning this week and this morning was no exception. I was sitting on the couch in the family room after I brought her and Anna downstairs this morning. I thought you may enjoy our conversation. I did.
Mommy: "Em, what happened?"
Em: "I waked up."
Mommy: "I know. Why?"
Em: "The deer waked me up."
Mommy: "When you wake up and see that it is still dark out, just close your eyes, think of something fun and go back to sleep. Okay?"
{Em trying to keep her closed by squinting.}
Mommy: "No, Em. Not now. In your crib."
The girls had an appointment with their pediatrician today to receive the flu shot along with another immunization and a weight check for Anna and Em. I have to admit that I was nervous going into this appointment. We have basically been bending over backwards for the past six months trying to cram as much food as possible into the girls and the last thing I wanted to hear was that Anna hadn't gained any weight.
Six months ago at their two year appointment, their weights were (approximately):
Allie - 22.5 pounds
Anna - 20 pounds
Em - 21 pounds
Today's weights:
Allie - about 24 pounds
Anna - 22.3 pounds
Em - 23.1 pounds
Their doctor was very pleased with their progress and we just have to keep on keeping on. Anna and Em are back on the charts and plotting along as they were before that last low weight reading. He also checked height growth for Anna and Em. Anna grew two inches, which is what I had calculated a few weeks ago on our growth chart.
We stopped for donuts on the way home. Anna proceeded to eat four donut holes. Operation Fat Baby.
Oh, and the shots went fairly well. That Elmo Visits the Doctor DVD has come in handy.
Our three were driving us crazy with the early rising thing. I'm a very early riser myself...the problem is I use the early hours to get stuff done (like normal people do after their kids go to bed at night).
I read about a product called the Good Night Light in a magazine and purchased 3. You set the time you want them in bed and the light turns blue similating a moon ... then you set the time you want them to wake (get out of bed) and a sun appears. The image is bright, with a happy face... and my kiddos love it. It took about 10 days to convince them that the night light knows best ... but now they are not calling for us to get them before the sun appears.
LOL... good thinking on the DD stop. You'll have to come to PA for the Krispy Kremes- they'll fatten the girls up in no time flat! Everything is glazed. ::yumm:: Sorry to hear about the... new? sleeping arrangements.
M - I have heard of that Good Night Light and we are seriously considering it!
Oh, Wendy - Krispy Kreme!! They shut down all the ones near us shortly after the girls were born. My SIL would bring them to me when I was pregnant. Oh, how I miss them :(
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