Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Good Family Photo

Remember how my dad took family pictures for us on the girls' birthday/Easter? I was going to post the good one awhile ago but forgot to. So here it is...

Oh, I should note the girls for future reference - Anna, Em and Allie.

Rich and I keep saying that we don't have enough pictures of us with the girls. We are trying to change that.

Here's a picture that Grammy took of us on the girls' first birthday. I can't believe what a difference a year makes. The girls are so much bigger and I'm a little bit smaller. I had to look through the whole bunch of pictures to confirm which baby was Allie and which was Em. Yikes!

Em, Anna, Allie.

And no, Rich is not wearing the same shirt. I had to look twice.


Homegrown Tribe said...

I love these! What a beautiful family you have!

Your girls look very identical in pictures -- but is it easy for you to tell them apart in person?

It's super easy for me -- but everyone else says they look ID. Sometimes I have to do what you said about looking through pictures to be sure though. :)


FrenznickFive said...

Those are great family pictures! one year does make a HUGE difference!

Jamie said...

Awesome...The Family is Beautiful! You are so blessed!