Thursday, December 15, 2016

Adventures in freelensing

or should it be free lensing?  I've seen it written both ways and it bothers me that I don't know which is correct.

Years and years ago, the thought of a using a tilt-shift lens didn't really interest me.  Possibly my accountant side was a bit turned off by the results.  In the past year or so, I've tried to branch out and explore other areas of photography and tilt-shift has become more appealing to me.  (Never say never.)  But I have a whole bunch of lenses on my wish list and it takes me a long time to really decide what I'm going to purchase.  I research, and then research some more, and then explore other options.  Over the summer, on instagram, I noticed other photographers freelensing, which gives you a tilt-shift with the added bonus of not having to purchase a tilt-shift lens.

If you're interested in freelensing, I recommend this tutorial.  It was the only one I found as a Nikon user that really explained in detail what needed to be done with my lens before I could freelens.  If you have no idea what freelensing is, you are basically taking a photo without your lens attached to the camera.  The tutorial that I linked to was super helpful as well because I have the same 85mm lens.

I don't freelens very often (rarely actually) because I'm not a fan of exposing the inside of my camera to dust and other particles, but I do like the results and keep moving a tilt-shift lens up on my wish list.

First attempt.

The headband.




As you all know, I mostly take photos of my kids.  Of all the photos I've posts on instagram, this has been the only one featured.  Ironic.

1 comment:

Bree at Clarity Defined said...

I love that last one so much. Instagram definitely loves its nature photography, so I'm not at all surprised it was featured! I've never attempted to freelens, but I love my LensBaby. It was one of the first lenses (or perhaps THE first lens?) I ever purchased and almost never leaves my camera bag.