Friday, October 21, 2016

These days

I've been giving some thought lately as to what I'd like to do in the future and that's not to imply that I'm not doing anything right now because cooking, cleaning, chauffeuring, homeworking, refereeing and volunteering most definitely fall into the category of doing something.  I'd like a creative outlet and one that would bring in funding for the girls' dance classes and dance shoes and dance recital costumes, because that all adds up pretty quickly when there are three, would be an added benefit.  Photography is an obvious choice and one that friends and family bring up here and there.  My introverted self, however, twitches at the thought.  I do photograph friends and family which has helped me to see what I would and wouldn't do if I were to start down that path.  I've always been more of a lifestyle photographer . . .  I have thoughts on offering something different . . . we shall see.

I have a list of sewing projects to work on (library bags, dance bags, etc) but I haven't allowed myself to sew until I catch up on cleaning.  I haven't even touched my home fall projects list due in part to the hole in the kitchen wall/unresolved leaky tub.  At some point, I need to sort through all the Disney and other customs and decide what is too small and what I'd like to try to sell.  I've been asked if I would list the for sale items here first and yes, I will do that.

Just like last year, I have volunteered to be the yearbook photographer for the girls' classes.  I also volunteered to assist in any other way - photographing other classrooms, photographing the 5th grade play, administrative work.  The yearbook wouldn't exist if parents didn't volunteer and interestingly, in my opinion, volunteers decrease as the kids get older.  Believe me, I get it.  Especially if you work full time.

Anna had her biannual urology appointments last week.  The first appointment consisted of an ultrasound of her kidneys and bladder.  We then made our way to see her urologist for the results.  Everything looked fantastic and because she's gained some weight, they were able to change her prescription of ditropan, making it so much more convenient. She had been taking a liquid dosage three times a day, which meant that if we were going to be out and about or traveling, we had to make sure we had that midday syringe with us.  Now she takes a pill at night and that's it.  It's slow release so it lasts for 24 hours.  So much easier!

The girls had their flu shots earlier this week and well, yeah, it was somewhat torturous.  Does anyone still give the mist?  Our pediatrician does not and I had no idea until the nurse walked in with three shots.  The girls freaked out, which seemed crazy to me seeing how well two of them did when they had teeth pulled.  They had a half day of school the next day and it was such a beautiful day so I suggested a nature walk on the bike path.  Then I looked at their faces.  They were a mess.  Allie was hit the hardest with side effects, including a headache which impacted her eating.  It's been a long week.

I need to organize my photos and catch up on sharing here.  I'm behind!  This weekend, I hope to post photos from our hike through Purgatory Chasm.  Happy Friday!      


Kate said...

No FluMist this year. They discovered that when they changed the number of strains that it covered from 3 to 4 the effectiveness tanked (the data says that it was only 3% effective last year!).

Anonymous said...

The mist doesn't work as well, apparently. Poor kids! That reminds me, I need to get mine. With the number of kids I work with, it's really to protect them - and me!

Jamie said...

Have you thought of doing alterations or personalized sewing for profit?

Sarah said...

Jamie - I've thought about sewing some skirts/clothes for girls and then putting up for sale "ready to ship." Sort of like a temporary shop. Don't know if I want to get into custom orders.

Christi said...

I ordered a sewing/knitting bag last year for my mom from Stitched by JessaLu, a shop that was stocked periodically, like you are describing. That would be an easy way to stay creative but not have to worry about customs.

Another avenue to consider would to do editing for photographers.

I've always thought it would be fun to be a real estate photographer taking photos of homes for online listings or maybe to show off a remodel. Because kitchens don't complain about being photographed or get cranky! LOL

Unknown said...

I think you should become a Disney travel agent! You can do it from home and get Disney perks. We just returned from our trip and I used many of the suggestions I've seen in your blog over the years :) We had a great time!