The girls requested their own cakes, which was fine with me. I told them I would make whatever they wanted, which meant they could pick out the Betty Crocker boxes, if you know what I mean. My kids know my limitations and a fancy cake maker I am not.

We did have some funny moments with the cakes. Anna insisted that I write out "Happy Birthday Anna" on her cake even though I warned her it wasn't going to be perfect and the ANNA candle would look nicer. Nope, that's she wanted. The girls told me that it looked like a Halloween cake because the writing looked spooky. Then they said that the "a" at the end of Anna looked like a "q" so they all started singing, "Happy Birthday, dear Ann-qua. Happy Birthday to you." And then Emily kept saying that the 7 on Allie's cake looked like a greater than sign. Hey, everyone got what they asked for. Need your tax return prepared? Come see me. Need a home sewn skirt or bag? Come see me. Need a Fancy Nancy pinterest-worthy birthday cake? Go somewhere else, please.

Great pictures of the girls! I can't believe they're almost 7! Happy Birthday to each of them!
And I'm sure the cakes were delicious (if you like cake, I'd like ice cream please ;)). :)
Your girls are just the cutest!
Gorgeous photos! I love their expressions!
They look pretty darn good to me! It's so cute they all wanted their own cakes, can't believe they are 7!
Great job!!! I can't believe how big they are getting!!
I think the cakes look great - and you had to make 3! One usually puts me over the edge. Happy Birthday to your cute girls!
Home made cakes are always the best, and clearly it meant something special to them. Good for you!
Happy Birthday Allie, Anna and Emily!!!! I can't believe they are 7 - so much fun to be had. You did a great job on the cakes - mine never come out well, and I respect that you made 3 :)
At least you take the time to make their cakes! I gave up on that years ago and it's store bought from now on. :) Happy bithday girls!
I'm sure you can't believe they are 7 already - time flies way too quickly! My twins just turned 6 and we had their party at a jumpy house - it made it so much easier - and no cleanup!
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