About a month ago, we enjoyed a weekend full of family visits and parties. The girls' cousins, Clive and Charlie, were visiting from Virginia and even though they are boys, the girls love hanging out with them.
This was Friday morning.
Saturday afternoon, my brother-in-law and sister-in-law hosted a pool party.
Anna was holding this basket while Charlie tossed a small basketball into it. She was having a blast and thought that it was hysterical that whenever she put the basket down, Charlie would hand it back to her and say, "Hoop. Hoop."
I love this series of photos of Emily and Baby Patrick.
And Baby Patrick is no longer a baby. Sunday was his big first birthday party.
Those are Allie's hands behind him. Watch out!
***Just a friendly reminder that you do not have permission to copy, steal, take or whatever you want to call it my photos. These kids have watermarks stamped across their heads for a reason.
What a beautiful weekend you had. These pictures are amazing. It's so wonderful when cousins get together and the love is evident :)
Wow! That little boy in the first couple of pictures looks sooo much like your girls! Too cute :)
I STILL don't understand why someone would want to steal your pictures and pretend that they're their own! Your kids are adorable, don't get me wrong, but what in the world is the point of pretending a set of kids are your own when they aren't???
P.S. Your girls are growing SO much! It's awesome to watch them grow through your blog!
All the photos are amazing but the first two are absolutely adorable - the color in those photos is so vibrant - love them!
I enjoy looking at your talent in photography!
The pictures of the baby made me giggle out loud. Such cute faces! You can tell the boys are relations of your girls. They look alike!
Great pics -- looks like the cousins had so much fun together!
Tell me if I'm right....the first pic is Anna, Allie, and Emily from left to right?
Anon - yes! Anna, Allie & Emily
Angela - I think, unfortunately, these people either have too much time on their hands (teens) or issues. I haven't had another incident (that I know of, anyway) but i know someone who did and felt the need to post that. Again.
Thanks for the nice comments, everyone. It's good to hear positive feedback regarding my photos.
Oh my goodness. Baby Patrick's little cheeks are just irresistible! And those really are some great pictures!
Great photos!! I love reading your blog :)
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