I did not expect to see Anna in the delivery room after she was pulled from my womb. I had been told that she would be transferred to the NICU from the operating room shortly after birth. After all that I had been through, I only had simple wishes. I wished for the girls to be born alive.
After the girls were cleaned off, weighed, measured and checked out by a somewhat large team of doctors and nurses, a nurse brought Emily over to see me. Three incubators and baby stations had been positioned against the wall and the area for Baby C was to my immediate left, which is why I was able to see Em.
Much to my surprise and delight, a nurse came over with Anna and held her up near the screen that was blocking my view of the doctor and students sewing my insides back together. Because the room was crowded, she was not able to come over to my side as the nurse holding Em had been able to do.
I'll always remember Anna's tiny face and how she seemed okay. I had been through enough ultrasounds to know that there was no mistake regarding her condition so to see her was such a relief. I asked the nurse if Anna's back was alright. If it was okay for her to be wrapped like that. The nurse had one hand supporting Anna's neck and head and another under her bottom/legs. She told me that the open area of Anna's spine had been wrapped to prevent infection and that she was holding her in that manner to keep pressure off of that area.
Anna was soon whisked away to the NICU in order to be readied for surgery while Allie and Em made their way together in one incubator to the Special Care Nursery. I was not allowed to get out of my bed for 24 hours post c-section so visiting Anna in the NICU was not a possibility that day.
I was so incredibly tired after I was finally deposited in my room that I could barely keep my eyes open. It was almost as if the weight of the world had finally been lifted from my shoulders. I had spent most of 35 weeks and 6 days worrying about the life inside of me. Tracking fetal movement. Fearing with each ultrasound that additional risks would be found. Concerned with each contraction or pain.
Visitors came and went and I was unable to sleep that afternoon. This was due in part to having to share a hospital room that first day and night with an extremely young mother. But that's a story unto itself. Hours went by and there was no word on Anna. We should have heard something by now, Rich and I both said to each other. Rich took off to visit the NICU. To find someone to give him an update. He had only been gone for a few minutes when the neurosurgeon knocked and entered my room.
Everything was fuzzy. I only remember him saying that the opening of her spine had been successfully closed and that Anna was doing well. I tried so hard to keep my eyes open, to listen to him talk. But I couldn't.
Rich later told me that there was a picture of the jelly-like sac that contained a portion of her spine taped to the outside of Anna's incubator in the NICU.
The next day, the nurses printed out a picture of Anna for me to keep in my room. Her eyes were all puffy, almost swollen shut, and there was an IV taped to her wrist. My poor baby girl.
Leaving her in the NICU four days later after being discharged with Allie and Emily was one of the hardest moments. I cradled her and her wept. The nurses were fantastic and told me that she would be fine. That I needed to take care of myself or I would end up back in the hospital.
The doctors monitored the fluid build-up in Anna's brain and at eight days old, she underwent surgery for placement of a shunt. This is brain surgery. Rich saw her before I did after the surgery. He came home and told me that he wanted to warn me about what her head looked like. I cried when he told me the details.
As it turned out, the fluid in her brain was not draining as it should and Anna underwent surgery again a few days later. She also underwent a barrage of medical tests and procedures while in the NICU.
August 15, 2010
As Rich says, Anna has beaten the odds in so many ways.
She shared a placenta with two of her sisters. The average gestation for triplet births is 32 weeks. She has undergone four surgeries. She has spina bifida and hydrocephalus.
Anna is now a happy and healthy three year old. She has an amazing imagination, is very smart and a fantastic sister. She keeps me smiling. Despite the odds given to us, she is able to walk on her own without assistance. She can run. She can jump. She has spina bifida and hydrocephalus.
As Rich says, Anna has beaten the odds in so many ways that pushing yourself to run a 7.1 mile road race is nothing. And this is exactly what Rich did on Sunday. He ran the Falmouth Road Race and finished in under 58 minutes (his goal time) all the while raising more than $2,500 for the Spina Bifida Association.
(left to right: Anna, Rich, Emily)
this is so beautiful, Sarah. Anna and her sisters are such amazing little girls. Congrats to Rich on raising money and accomplishing his goals <3
I have to be honest with you - I cannot tell your girls apart in your pictures.
Whatever challenges Anna may face in life, she is lucky to have you for her Mom, along with her Dad and her two sisters. I would not be surprised if being a Multiple helps her to push herself to keep up with her sisters. Sometimes mindset is half the battle and having her sisters doing things makes her want to do the same things.
You are an amazing Mom - you seem to do it all with such grace. I wish you well with Preschool coming up.
Beautiful post! Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful girls with us!
Anna is such a blessing! All your girls are adorable and I love how you share their lives with us! Your family is beautiful!
7.1 is nothing compared to Anna!
What a miracle :)
Beautiful post. I can so relate to simple wishes. What a wonderful way to honor Anna. She sounds like an amazing little girl.
thank you for letting us glimpse these beautiful private moments in your family. what a blessing you are to each other, and to us.
Make me cry, why don't you. Beautiful post.
Oh Sarah! This was so wonderfully written (I mean, all your posts are...). Anna is amazing, but you and Rich are amazing parents too. Plus she has two lovely sisters!
::Typing through tears::
Thank you for sharing your first moments with Anna. Your post was so beautifully written. You are such a wonderful MoM and all three of your girls are absolutely perfect.
This is an amazing story. And what's even more amazing to me is how active all three of your girls are. Even though I drop by your blog frequently, I have to admit I can't tell them apart...and I know that speaks to how well Anna is doing, running, playing, and seeming to do everything her sisters do.
WOO HOO Anna!!!! You are a rock star and your Mom is Super Awesome...
Sarah, thank you for sharing this story. I am so excited that Anna is living the life of a normal three year old and that she runs and jumps...that is truly a God thing. Thanks agian for sharing!
Thank you for sharing yours and Anna's birth story. What a miracle she is. My heart aches remembering how hard it is to leave your baby at the hospital upon check out.
You are all very blessed. Great job on raising money for the SBA.
PS - thanks for all the encouragement with the cathing, etc. It's amazing what we can do for our little ones.
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