Monday, July 28, 2008

Welcome to Who-Ville

Welcome to Who-Ville. My name is Anna Who.

I haven't always been a Who though. When I was a tiny, little baby, I had to have surgery so that a shunt could drain the extra fluid from my brain. I had a scab and glue on my head for a very, very long time. After weeks and weeks and weeks, Mommy, Daddy and Aunt Amelia finally picked the loose scab and glue off. It was stuck to a little patch of hair right on my scar. The rest of my head was bald though. I was born bald. But suddenly, I had some hair.

So this little patch of hair has been growing and growing while the rest of my hair is trying to catch up. No one can figure out where this hair comes from but I think it was nature's way of hiding my scar. On days when my Mommy curls my long hair, I transform into Anna Who.

Don't know what Who-Ville is? Go read Dr. Seuss!

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